Our Proposals
Tarmac’s aim is to provide a well-designed residential scheme, complete with open space and community uses, that is well-knit into its surroundings on the fringe of the village.
This proposed development will also deliver much-needed new housing – including affordable housing – and contribute to the supply of housing in Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough. In addition to the short-term benefits generated through the creation of a number of construction jobs during the construction phase, we hope we can provide homes that attract first-time buyers, young families, and others in the area to live locally, and contribute to Bulkington’s thriving community.
The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Plan has set out its ambitions for the provision of c.14,060 new homes and 107.8 hectares of new employment land within the Borough between now and 2031, as the borough’s population, is set to increase in size, as well as an increased number of families to support.
Bulkington has been identified as a suitable location for new housing by Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council through various planning consultations and planning reviews since 2010. This ultimately culminated in the Local Development Plan being adopted by the Borough Council In 2019 following several rounds of consultations on draft versions of the plan, and an examination in public, heard by a Planning Inspector in 2018 which found the plan agreeable and approved the land in questions as a formal allocation for a new development.
Within the plan, the area in the north-west of Bulkington is allocated for strategic housing under Policy HSG7.
Our Plans for the Site
- Up to 230 homes are proposed for the area, along with green open space including play area for younger children, green open space and supportive infrastructure
- 25% would be affordable, in accordance with the Local Development Plan.
- Scale and massing to reflect that of neighbouring development.
- Visual axes maintained to rural edge landscape and hierarchy of street scene from avenue to lanes.
- Strengthened agricultural and woodland margins.
- New internal native tree and shrub planting.
- Direct links to the local access network.
- Defined central Public Open Space.
Highways and Access
We have taken a holistic approach to help promote sustainable travel to and from the site and help manage the number of vehicles the development may put onto the local road network.
We have undertaken a transport assessment which has confirmed that the site would not generate a significant uplift in vehicle movements, which could not be managed by the local highway network. The assessment demonstrates that the junctions are predicted to operate within capacity, and we will discuss the impacts and mitigations with the Local Highway Authority.
The location of the application site is such that future residents would be able to walk or cycle short distances to access to a range of local facilities and services in Bulkington which could reduce dependence on private cars. The site’s proximity to public transport, including buses within 400m from the site, provides the opportunity for future residents to use sustainable methods of transport to access a wider range of services and facilities beyond the village.
In addition, we are in discussion with planning officers about the potential for other transport improvements which may be required including improvements along Nuneaton Road, Lancing Road, Bramcote Close and other streets in the vicinity of the development.
We understand that parking along Bramcote Close is a current issue for residents and we are therefore looking to offer a community car park or some other provision close to the entrance of our site in order to alleviate some of the existing traffic from the road.
Walking and cycling routes to access the central open space and beyond
Our proposals have been designed to provide connections for both pedestrians and cyclists to the local area, with a continuous pathway throughout the site connecting the northern and southern areas and leading on to multiple accesses to local facilities and services. We hope this will encourage a healthy and active lifestyle, with people walking and cycling through the new development and beyond.
Construction Traffic
A Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) would be required before any construction started on site and will be developed to inform and manage the potential construction impacts of the proposed development. This would be agreed with the local authority as a condition of the application being granted and prior to the start of any construction activity. Construction activities would be limited to working hours to be agreed with the Council and would comply with Health and Safety Executive regulations.
Open Space
The site's unique layout presents a great opportunity to focus the development around a new area of central public open space, including formal play provision for children 0-10 Years, access and walking routes, and enhanced landscaping. This has been designed to comply with the Council’s Concept Plan for the site and our plans have been developed in consultation with the Council’s Green Spaces Planning Officer.
Green Spaces
Trees and Hedgerows
An Arboricultural Assessment has been undertaken to assess any trees present within or bordering the site. The findings concluded that the proposed development would not have an unacceptable impact on trees and hedgerows. The proposed development will include an appropriate vegetative species composition with strengthened boundaries and a greater extent of tree cover. There will be a scheme of planned landscaping, with habitat enhancement and a landscaped buffer between the new development and the open countryside beyond to the north and east, that will provide for gains in biodiversity.
The current use of the site as fields in arable use does not provide for significantly rich or diverse habitats. The development of the site is an opportunity to deliver net biodiversity gains through retention of hedgerow and scrub areas which provide good habitats and the opportunity to provide landscaping which is tailored to provide high-quality habitat.
Local Wildlife
We have undertaken a wildlife assessment of the site, along with further field surveys to assess the site’s wildlife potential. No protected species records were identified within the site boundary and the Surveys confirmed that the site is of low ecological value. Within the site, flora species will be selected in the landscaping scheme to encourage insects, and by extension, insect-eating species such as birds and bats.
Community benefits
Section 106 contributions
As with any outline planning application, Tarmac will agree with Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council a S106 agreement. This will include contributions towards local infrastructure (such as GPs and schools) and community projects.
Next steps
Our aim is to submit a planning application to Nuneaton and Bedworth Council in the next couple of months. As mentioned previously, this application will be submitted in outline for all matters, except for access.
Further details regarding appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale will be detailed in further planning applications. It is our intention to conduct similar engagement exercises, should the outline proposals be approved by Nuneaton and Bedworth Council.
Currently, our indicative timeline for the whole process is:
Submission of outline planning application – Spring 2022
Planning application determined – Autumn 2022
Submission of Reserved Matters planning application – Summer 2023
Planning permission determined – Winter 2023/Spring 2024
Start on site (subject to planning) – Summer 2024
Anticipated completion of first homes – Spring 2025
Anticipated development completion – 2027/2028