
The above masterplan is indicative only and was created for the Local Planning Authority to demonstrate housing numbers. It does not represent what will be submitted at the Reserved Matters planning application stage.

The proposed development site is situated to the north-east of Bulkington with the boundaries loosely following the edges of the closest fields to home of the village’s north-eastern fringe.

The 10.29 hectare site is owned by two local landowners and is being promoted for development by Tarmac, who has owned some of the land until the late 1990s.

Our proposals are currently being finalised, and we will be looking to submit an outline planning application to Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council with all matters reserved, except for access.

Further details of our proposals can be found within the Our Proposals section of this website


About Tarmac

Tarmac, a CRH company, is the UK's leading sustainable building materials and construction solutions business.

With 150 years of experience and heritage to our name, we're a national network of local businesses, combining the knowledge and expertise of two of the construction industry's most iconic brands: Tarmac, pioneers and inventors of the modern road, and Blue Circle, the company that patented Portland Cement.

We employ around 7,000 people across a network of more than 400 sites across the UK

Tarmac is part of CRH, the world's leading building materials business